Sunday 25 June 2017

KisanMarket--Selling Livestock

In India, around 70% of the population earns its livelihood from agriculture. It is an important source of raw material for many agro-based industries. Farming is practiced in various ways across the world.Depending upon the geographical conditions, demand for products, labour and level of technology, farming can be classified into:
Subsistence Farming 
         This farming is practiced to meet the needs of the farmer’s family. Cultivation techniques are primitive and simple. Farmers mostly cultivate cereals along with oil seeds, pulses, vegetables and sugarcane.
Commercial Farming
        This farming is just the opposite to subsistence farming. In this system, farmers use inputs like irrigation, chemical fertilisers, insecticides, pesticides and   High Yielding Varieties of seeds etc.Some of the major commercial crops grown in different parts of India are cotton, jute,  Sugarcane, groundnut etc.
Intensive and Extensive Farming 
        They differ on the amount of production per unit of land. When we use a large patch of land for cultivation then we call it extensive farming. India does not practice extensive cultivation. The best example of intensive cultivation is in Japan where availability of land for cultivation is  Very limited. In India, it is practiced in Kerala.
Plantation Farming

         In this type of agriculture, a single cash crop is grown for sale. eg : Tea, coffee, rubber, banana, and spices.

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